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Sim Codes

Posted: 03-Jul-2012

Please note that while the excel productivity calculator will show you as a student against the duty code in the main calculating area - you can change this to "Training As Instructor" and it will calculate normally.

Ek changed all the Sim Duty Codes two months ago. Whereas there used to be seperate codes for Instructor/Student/Support/Observer (and this is how productivity was calculated) - now there is one duty code and a training label is used as well. As such now instead of one lable per duty, there can now me as many as three, perhaps more. We have re-coded for this change but the code had some bugs when we ran it on July - hence we're still using the old system. Please note that while the excel productivity calculator will show you as a student against the duty code in the main calculating area - you can change this to "Training As Instructor" and it will calculate normally.

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