B777 Study Guide

B777 Study Guide is available for download for subscribed users.

The B777 Study Guide was developed as a personal document to ease my study and review of company policies and procedures. Over the years it has become a more extensive document and more people have requested copies for their use. While I very much enjoy keeping the manual up to date and am happy that others find the document useful. It has become difficult to keep up with the requests for copies and often difficult to send to certain email addresses. In order to improve the service I have contacted Jerry and Ken and they have agreed to make this available for download on their website.

The service will run for free for 1 month, after that there will be a small fee to recoup some of the costs. There have been many comments that it is difficult to know what the changes are and when it is appropriate to print a new Guide. I have struggled with an appropriate solution ...Change bars are difficult to do... dated pages increase the workload... The solution I have settled on is a Revision page on page 2 of the document... This would list major changes in the document, the date of the change and the effected page.... Now you can see the major changes , print the effective pages... or print a new guide when it is appropriate.

Just a final reminder... This is a Study Guide... The statement on the front page states:

"This information is not updated, any differences between this guide and the Company Manuals are unintentional, the Company Manuals are controlling"

Please use the company manuals when dealing with TRI /TRE / or other managers. If you find any discrepancies or have good stuff to add please let me know and we will revise it to improve every ones knowledge.

Thanks for your support, I hope the Study Guide is helpful and will continue to improve with your support.


Ray Hargrove

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