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Howdy All.
It appears that a query raised by a crew member (not a subscriber to CrewRosters.Com) regarding differences betweeen EVITA/Crew Portal/CRS Calendar rosters has instead caught our service in the net of over-reaction. As such the provision of data for our service has been cancelled.
We have a way forward but it will take time to implement. At this point we do not believe we will have a working replacement in time for any meaningful November roster. We apologise for this, but it is clearly now beyond our control. Had any consultation on this action taken place we could perhaps have negotiated a delay in being cut off - or if any notice had been provided we could have taken alternative measures earlier; this was clearly not the case.
Accordingly all new subscriptions and renewals have been suspended. Subscription expirations will be extended until the service is up and running again.
A large number of users have written asking if e-mails of support to Captain Davidson would help. At this point we consider this unlikely, but thank you all for your support.
Jerry and Ken